Okay mamas, how do you do it? This past weekend was one of those weekends where I had so many things planned, never sat down, but didn’t even get to 1/3 of the things I wanted to do – and we even had an extra day because of the holiday! I was able to go on a little walk with the girls and grab some Starbucks – where my 7 year-old demanded a latte, since “chocolate milk is for BABIES!” When we realized we were slightly twinning I had to get a picture – outfits, including this fabulous “Tired as a Mother” shirt which every mom should have, are linked below!

Lately I have definitely been struggling with balancing my time on the weekends and feeling extra exhausted with little to show for it. I feel like I work all week and then spend my evenings running to and from various activities. Throw in finding time to work out, run errands, and cook dinners and there just not enough hours in the day. When the weekend comes I am torn between spending time with the kids since I have been working all week and tackling my insurmountable mountain of household tasks that I have neglected.

I have made a concerted effort to spend more time with the kiddos instead of fretting over these household chores – since they are literally aging rapidly right before my eyes. But then we get a notice in the mail that we forgot to pay a bill that got lost in the three foot pile of papers sitting on my counter, or my kid has to wear two different colored socks to his baseball game because the laundry, is (to put it mildly) backed up.

Perhaps laundry and paperwork can wait – but this weekend I discovered a family of ants had stealthily taken up residence in my pantry đŸ˜³. Ants are where I draw the line – and I actually stayed behind to evict them while my husband took the kids to the pool (which sucked).

I try to make my kids a priority, and working out, and of course work itself and to be honest there is zero time for anything else after that. So yes, I have a cleaning lady, a guy that mows the lawn, and a great babysitter but I am still really struggling at home. I need to know mamas – how do you find the time for everything? Or don’t you? Or are we all just not sleeping?

The answer, in my opinion, is that we mamas just need to accept that something, somewhere is going to give. Despite what it looks like on Instagram – we cannot do it all. My family eats take-out way more than we should (five nights a week). I also cannot see the floor of my home office because that is where I throw the clutter so the cleaning lady can actually clean up the rest of the house. Oh – and my laundry does not even fit inside the laundry room anymore there is JUST SO MUCH!

But guess what – I go to work EVERY day. I then come home and spend four hours taking care of three tiny humans. And that folks is AMAZING in itself. And guess what stay-at-home mama – you might not have gone to work today. But you literally spent ALL DAY taking care of tiny needy humans. Congratulations – you are also AMAZING. If you managed to cook dinner on top of all that – well then you lady are an all star of mothers and deserve an award. Let’s try to remember this. We don’t need to spend all day Sunday meal-prepping (but kudos to you if you do). We don’t need to wake up at 4 a.m. (again kudos if you do). What each of us is accomplishing just by being a mom is nothing short of amazing and we should all try to keep this in mind, and let’s remind each other of this too as we scroll through Instagram.

Tired as a mother shirt

Sister shirt $9.90

Women’s shorts – on sale for $29.97

Girls Shorts $9.99

Tom’s Women’s Sunglasses $68.00

Havaianas flip-flops

Girl’s Sandals

Toddler Jump Suit

Cat and Jack Gladiators $16.99

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