Tory Burch Miller Sandals…

So after yesterday’s post I was under a lot of pressure to find some Tory Burch sandals on sale, as the ones I had posted about had already sold out! So here it is – a whole bunch of Tory Burch Miller Sandals on sale. … Continue Reading

Fancy Loungewear

Since we are all staying at home, I know you get it when I say I have both fancy and casual loungewear. It depends on the day, or whether I am leaving the house for a walk, on what type of athleisure I might throw … Continue Reading

2019 Trendy Cyber Monday…

I literally look forward to Black Friday all year long. No, its not for the shopping, or for the turkey leftovers. I look forward to having 24 hours of uninterrupted alone time. The day after Thanksgiving every year my wonderful husband takes to kids to … Continue Reading