Today is exactly the type of day you do not want to have when you are socially isolating with three kids – rainy and cold! I swear, if these kids can’t get outside, our days go downhill quick, which hopefully doesn’t happen today but its not looking good.

Let me update you on yesterday – it was a big day for two reasons. First, it I ventured to the grocery store as we were running low on food, and second, it was beautiful out in the afternoon which was great because it meant a lot of outside time for all of us and it lifted our moods!

Yesterday I woke up in a less than stellar mood. I even got my run in and it didn’t help. The mood was for a couple of reasons, aside from the general feeling down from social distancing and quarantine. First, I knew I had to make a trip to the grocery store, and I was dreading it. More on that in a minute.

Second, before all this keeping up with the clothing posts and shopping aspect of my blog was something that I really enjoyed. I even got some great shots and outfits edited a week before this all happened, ready to post. But once this happened, I just feel like now is not the time to post about shopping, deals, and clothes. I know other people are still doing it, all over the internet, but there’s something about it that doesn’t feel right for me and things had really just started to pick up for me with that part of my blog. I know this is truly one of those first world problems that is not a problem at all in the grand scheme of things, but I still can’t help that its a downer for me.

Anyways, so I went for my run, and then took the kids outside for a walk and scooter ride. That was fun. Then we came in, ate lunch, (peanut butter and fluff sandwich for Gemma, turkey and pepporoni sandwich for Anthony). I ate another leftover chicken burrito bowl. The kids did puzzles, played outside, played with legos, they generally were being pretty good.

TJ came out from his office and said it was a good time for me to go to the grocery store. I really didn’t want to go. But we were out of eggs, milk, and fruit. I looked at delivery or pick up but couldn’t get it until Wednesday, so I decided I would just venture out. How bad could it be? Oh – it was bad.

I put gloves on when I got there, with the plan to take them off before getting in the car. The first crazy thing was that the store was extremely busy. I could not believe how many people were there – and many of them clearly could care less about the six foot limits. People literally would come right up next to me as I was trying to grab food. Also, there were tons of couples there (why are you both at the grocery store) and even kids. People brought their kids. I felt like there was just a general sense from some people that they were trying to prove they didn’t care about, or believe the corona virus hype. It was shocking. I had gone to the grocery store once last week, and it was not like this at all. Maybe it was the day or time I went? I literally had to ask someone to back up because they were so close to me. I will say that the store itself and instituted some great procedures, like roping the line off and making sure only one person went through each register. There were also sneeze guards. There were no paper towels or Clorox wipes, which we are low on.

When I got home, I wiped off each and every item with a Clorox wipes (except the things we don’t need now and that I kept out in the garage), and I washed all the fruit with soap and water. It took FOREVER. When I was done I threw all of my clothes in the washer on sanitize and poured myself a much needed cocktail.

Let me just say, next time I will be ordering groceries for delivery or pick up. I just do NOT want to be that close to all these people who don’t seem concerned about how close they are to you. I am actually opening a cart now so I can preorder it and even if I have to wait a few days it will be here on time.

After the grocery store, luckily it was gorgeous out and we went for a nice family walk. Luna went into the wagon and basically cried the whole time, but other than that it was a nice family walk. We saw some neighbors outside – from six feet away, the only way to have it, and that was uplifting.

After the walk I made dinner, the kids played outside some more, and then after they went to bed we capped off a virtual happy hour with some of our friends.

Other than the grocery store and feeling extra down in the morning, the day was pretty good. I think because of the weather. Amazing how that makes such a difference now. Today is dark and gloomy. Everyone is still in their jammies, and we have done nothing but watched a movie. I also have a headache which doesn’t help the situation. Hoping everyone else is hanging in there!

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